The Benefits of a Lone Worker Solution

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Many jobs require employees to work alone at some point, such as security personnel, janitorial staff, or tradespeople such as electricians and plumbers. While protective equipment such as hardhats, ear plugs and gloves can help reduce the risk of injury, it is not enough to protect workers in all workplace situations. A lone worker solution is a specialist product that uses smartphone technology to monitor the safety of employees working alone and provide a way for them to signal for help in an emergency situation.

A lone worker solution provides an effective means for employers to meet their duty of care to their workforce, while improving productivity. Specialist lone worker solutions use a mobile phone app that is activated and connected to a 24/7 live monitoring service. These lone worker devices are simple for employees to set up and use, and automatically send status updates via the cellular network to cloud-based software that can be instantly accessed by management. The system also allows managers to create and manage lone worker safety policies, and automate emergency response actions such as sending SOS alerts.

The best lone worker solutions are "open" systems that allow them to integrate with existing devices and technologies used by the business. UK Lone Worker The integration process can also reveal other areas of the business where new technology and innovative processes can be used to improve operations and cut costs.

While some lone worker solutions may be viewed as intrusive, the right solution can be a valuable tool to keep employees safe and productive. In fact, studies have shown that a lone worker solution can be more efficient than conventional communication methods, such as using voice or text messages to check in and signal for help.

It is vital that employees understand the importance of a lone worker solution, and the role it can play in keeping them safe and productive. Consider holding a workshop or health and safety day where the lone worker safety policy can be discussed with employees and outlined in detail. This can also be an opportunity to get employees involved in developing their own lone worker safety procedures, which will make it more likely that the policy and its associated tools and technologies are adopted.

Many lone workers are dispatched to remote locations where cell coverage is limited or nonexistent. A lone worker solution that can switch seamlessly between cellular and satellite connectivity can be crucial for these types of workers. A lone worker solution that includes a mobile phone app that is easy to use in this type of environment will be a great asset.

Many lone worker solutions include a feature that allows employees to enable location monitoring at the start of their shift and turn it off when they have completed their tasks. This feature ensures that the safety device is only ever active when it is needed and avoids privacy concerns. Some lone worker solutions also have the option for employees to disable real-time location visibility and welfare status sharing when they are taking time off from work for personal reasons such as attending medical appointments or collecting children from school.