The Best Lone Working Devices

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Lone working is a term for workers who work alone or away from other employees. wearable panic alarm employee gps tracker Whether it’s an employee working in an isolated location or on high-risk machinery or a worker who works with vulnerable individuals, lone workers are at risk of serious injuries or death.

Thankfully, there are several different types of lone worker safety devices on the market that can help to keep these employees safe and protected. From wireless panic buttons and lone worker alarms to GPS tracking devices, these products offer a variety of features to protect lone workers in a wide range of situations.

The best lone working devices are those that can be incorporated into a company’s lone worker policy and help to protect workers from the hazards of their job. They can also be a great way to show your employees that you care about their wellbeing and that their safety is a priority.

There are three main types of lone worker devices: standalone Bluetooth devices, satellite devices and app-based solutions. Each type of device has its pros and cons.

Standalone Bluetooth devices are usually cheaper and easy to implement. They can be used in areas where WIFI is not available and are ideal for lone workers in outdoor settings.

Satellite devices are a more advanced solution that can pinpoint a worker’s location and sometimes offer two-way communication, but this will only be suitable for remote locations where cell coverage is unavailable or spotty.