Safety Devices

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Safety devices are tools that help to ensure worker safety and protect them from harm. They may be physical barriers that prevent direct contact with dangerous machine parts or electronic sensors that alert staff of any potential issues. Regardless of their function, all safety devices should be tested and maintained to ensure they work properly.

A robust reliability program will inspect, test and maintain safety alarms, interlocks, and other mechanical and electrical equipment as a single unit to verify that each component is working correctly. The results of these tests will be reviewed to identify chronic failures and confirm that the overall system will continue to perform as intended.

Common machine safeguarding devices include light curtains and laser scanners that use beams of light to create invisible barriers around hazardous areas. When the beam is interrupted, the machine is shut off and a person can’t enter the area during operation. These are an excellent solution for washdown environments where traditional physical guards aren’t possible or practical.

Another essential type of safety device is a panic button that allows individuals to call for help, particularly in high-risk situations like violence or robbery. Personal safety devices that have a loud alarm feature can also attract attention and deter attackers or alert other employees to an emergency situation.

Lone workers in retail are at higher risk of violence and theft, but mobile apps and lone worker devices that use motion detection can notify an employer or monitor of any movement that might indicate a workplace accident. These devices can even include a man-down feature that will alert monitoring personnel if the wearer is not moving for a set period of time.